The hosting summary provides transparency as to how and where your data is processed.

To view the hosting summary, select the settings icon settings icon, then select Hosting summary.

Hosting locations

The Hosting locations page summarizes the vendors and locations that Bazaarvoice uses to host your data and provide services for your account. The primary purpose of this page is to clarify which vendor applies to your account when more than one vendor provides the same service.

Note: The Hosting locations page does not show the full list of vendors that provide services to your account. Go to the Vendors page to view the full list of vendors that might provide services to your account.


The Vendors page lists all the vendors that Bazaarvoice uses, where they are located, and what personal data they can access. If multiple vendors are listed for the same service, refer to the Hosting locations page to determine which vendor services your account.

Note: The vendors on this page may or may not provide services to your account. The page provides the full list of Bazaarvoice vendors, but does not specify the subset that applies to your account.