Use the Bazaarvoice Portal to view and interact with your reviews. You can explore details for individual reviews, respond to contributor submissions, and share reviews across different products.

The goal of managing your reviews is to learn what consumers are saying about your products and use that feedback to inform future business decisions and increase conversion. You can address negative feedback or confusion about your products by responding to your contributors in a timely manner and investigating product flaws. You can review positive feedback to learn about product strengths your marketing team may not have known about, and use the feedback to improve how you sell and target your products in the future.

View and filter reviews

You can view or search through all the reviews you’ve collected. The search filters are particularly powerful because you can narrow the reviews down to only the ones you’re looking for. For example, you can search for negative reviews and respond to the corresponding contributors.

Tip: If you want to view consolidated information, such as a list of negative reviews by product, use a report to create a spreadsheet displaying the information you want to view. You can run reports on a one-off basis or schedule them to be emailed to a list of recipients on a set schedule. You can also set up alerts to summarize important information in a recurring email or notify you immediately when certain conditions occur, such as when a product receives a one-star review.

To filter your reviews:

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .
  2. Select Ratings & Reviews > Reviews.
  3. Filter your view to relevant reviews.
  4. (Optional) After you apply your filters, click Save filters to add the view to the drop-down menu for repeated use.