Bazaarvoice moderates reviews as consumers submit them to ensure they meet our authenticity standards, contain on-brand content, and do not violate any rules (such as containing profanity or pricing information). Reviews are first moderated by a sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) tool. If the tool is highly confident that a review meets moderation criteria, it can be automatically approved and distributed to retailers. If the content needs additional review, a human moderator will read and tag the content for approval, rejection, or review.

Rejection codes

To reject a review, a moderator tags the content with one or more of the following rejection codes. Rejection codes are categorized as editable or non-editable:

  • Editable—Moderators use editable codes when a review contains useful content but includes some forbidden information, such as a competitor’s name or inappropriate media. When a review is tagged with one of these codes, the contributor receives an email with an editable copy of the original review and a submission link. The email lists the reasons for rejection and highlights them in the review text. The contributor can edit the review and resubmit it for moderation.

    The editable codes are:

    Code Description Code Description
    CR Competitor references PRI Price mentioned
    DBA Directs business away SI Shipping and fulfillment issues
    IMG Inappropriate image URL Contains a URL
    MSR Misleading star rating VAC Irrelevant
    PII Personally identifying information
  • Non-editable—Moderators use non-editable codes when a review contains no useful content. When a review is tagged with one of these codes, the contributor receives an email with an empty review form and a submission link. The contributor can choose to submit a new review. For example, if a review is primarily focused on service or return policy rather than the product, a moderator can add the CS tag to the review and reject it.

    The non-editable codes are:

    Code Description Code Description
    CS Customer service issues PUX Lacks personal experience
    FL Language used does not match site SPM Duplicate or spam submissions
    GIU Inappropriate content UA Inappropriate age (written by a reviewer who is 13 or under)
    LI Legally sensitive content WP Applies to different product

Determine why a review was rejected

As you’re viewing reviews in Workbench, you might occasionally notice a rejected review that looks like it should have been approved. Follow these steps to determine why a review was rejected:

  1. Sign in to Bazaarvoice Workbench.
  2. Go to Content > Content Dashboards > Ratings & Reviews.
  3. Hover over the Moderation filter and select Moderation Status.
  4. Select Rejected, and select Apply. The page refreshes to display rejected review data.
  5. Select Show Reviews. You should see one or multiple rejected reviews.

    Note: Use the dashboard filters above the reviews to narrow the list.
  6. Look through the reviews. If you see one that has been rejected incorrectly, hover over the review and select Show Details.
    Show details
  7. On the details page, check the Moderator Codes section to see the code the moderator applied. When filtering by a specific moderator code, the offending review will be highlighted in yellow within the review management tool.
    Moderator codes

Follow these steps to view all rejected reviews tagged with a specific code:

  1. Hover over the Moderation filter and select Moderator Codes.
  2. Select the appropriate content code box, and select Apply. The page refreshes to display data for reviews tagged with the code you selected.

Review resubmission

When Bazaarvoice moderation rejects a review, the contributor receives an email notification that provides the opportunity to submit a modified review. The moderator’s reasons for a review’s rejection are listed in the rejection email. The moderator can also highlight the specific sections of a review that need editing. The rejection email includes an editable copy of the original review. This saves the contributor the time and effort required to re-create the entire review. As a consequence, a higher percentage of contributors will decide to resubmit their reviews and your review volume will increase.

Note: If a moderator chooses both editable and non-editable codes when rejecting a review, the review resubmission email displays an empty review form.

View resubmitted reviews

Follow these steps to access a list of resubmitted reviews:

  1. From Workbench, go to Content > Content Dashboards > Ratings & Reviews.
  2. Select the date range filter and select All Dates from the dropdown menu.
  3. Hover over the Content filter and select Campaign Source. A list of sources is displayed.
  4. Select Bazaarvoice Review Resubmission Email, and select Apply.
  5. Select additional filters to analyze resubmitted reviews. For example:
    • To view all approved resubmitted reviews—From the Moderation dropdown menu, select Moderation Status and then select the Approved checkbox.
    • To view all rejected resubmitted reviews—From the Moderation dropdown menu, select Moderation Status and then select the Rejected checkbox.
    • To view all resubmitted reviews that include pictures—From the Content dropdown menu, select Attached Content and then select the With Photos Attached checkbox.

Generate reports on resubmitted reviews

Complete the following steps to generate and download a report of resubmitted reviews in spreadsheet (XLSX) format.

  1. From Workbench, select Reports > Ratings & Reviews.
  2. Select Create New Report.
  3. Under Select Report Template, select All Review Report.
  4. Under Add Filters, hover over the Content filter and select Campaign Source. A check list of submitted reviews is displayed.
  5. Select Bazaarvoice Review Resubmission Email, and select Apply.
  6. Select Save and Run to generate your report.

The Analyst Reports page includes your new report. Use the Download link to save a copy of this file.

You can use the report to answer questions like:

  • How many reviews were successfully or unsuccessfully resubmitted?
  • How many reviews were resubmitted with pictures?
  • What was the rate of successful or unsuccessful resubmission?

Contact Bazaarvoice Support if you want to receive a recurring report that includes information about the review rejection emails sent, the open rate, and the clickthrough rate.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) support

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is intended to control what information is collected from children under the age of 13. It applies to operators of commercial websites and online services that collect, use, or disclose information from site visitors.

For detailed information about COPPA, refer to the following:

Bazaarvoice gives you the option to block users under any age from contributing content to your sites. Although COPPA protections apply only to children under 13, you can choose to block all users under 18, for example.

Using the following methods, you can design Bazaarvoice content submission forms and profile pages to discourage users from falsifying their age, and to detect and block underage users:

  • Implement a neutral age-screening mechanism on the content submission form or profile page where:
    • Users can select an age range, such as 17 or under.
    • No indication or message is displayed that alerts a visitor that they must be 18 years or older to contribute.
  • Add a COPPA cookie for users under 18 years old, which recognizes the user agent or IP address and prevents the user from:
    • Using the Back button to enter a different age.
    • Using the same device and browser to log in at a later time and submit content.

    The cookie persists for 365 days.

Note: The age-screening mechanism is always enabled and is not affected by user authentication or by how a visitor accesses your site. For example, age-screening works the same whether the visitor selects the Write a review link on a retailer site or an email link that opens the review submission form. Bazaarvoice cannot provide you with guidance on COPPA, and in no event should this document be construed as such.