The Campaigns section in Sampling Administration is where you create new campaigns, edit campaign settings, and view campaign progress.

Campaign states

Campaign states reflect what stage the campaign is at in the sampling process. When you create and run a sampling campaign, it will pass through each state on its way to completion. The Draft, Ready, Started, and Completed pages in the Campaign tabbed menu contain a list of campaigns in those states.

See the following table to learn what the campaign states mean.

Campaign state Description
Draft Campaigns that are being configured. When you create a campaign, it saves in Draft until you've added products, assigned a member segment, defined the launch date and time, and marked it as Ready.
Ready Campaigns that have been fully configured and marked as Ready. When a Ready campaign reaches its start date, it moves into the Started tab.
Started Campaigns that are currently running. When a campaign starts, the offer becomes available in the Member app for selected members to choose. When the campaign ends, it moves into the Completed tab.
Completed Campaigns that have ended. You'll see completed campaigns here while reviews are being collected.

View campaigns

Campaign Manager Community Manager Member Support Account Administrator

Get a snapshot of how current campaigns are progressing.

Create campaigns

Member Support Account Administrator

Edit campaigns

Member Support Account Administrator