Campaign Manager Community Manager Account Administrator

Edit your campaign to define what emails you want to send to members, and when.

Note: We will only send the emails you've configured if they're required. For example, if you've configured to send two review request (formerly post-interaction email or PIE) reminders but the member posts their review after their first reminder, we won't send the second reminder.

To send campaign emails and set email timings:

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .
  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Campaigns.
  3. Select a draft campaign from the Campaign name column of the table.
  4. In the Email row, select Edit emails.
  5. Turn on the green Send/Don’t send toggle switch to set whether you want to send each email type to members or not.
  6. Enter the number of days you want to leave between the review request email message, and the review request reminders.
  7. Select Apply.
Note: You can continue to change your email settings until the campaign starts.

Change email content

Customize the content of the Invitation to Sample email to make it specific to a campaign.

  1. In your draft campaign, select Edit in the Invitation to Sample email card.
  2. Update the text as required and select Update.
    Note: To get a test email previewing your changes, enter an email address and select Send test email.
Note: All email configuration settings applied in the campaign screens affect only the emails sent for each campaign.