Use the Nomination tab in Sampling to view and manage which products to offer community members in a sampling program.

What you’ll learn

Before you begin

Before nominating products for a sampling campaign, ensure you or your vendor have enough units for the products you want to offer in the campaign.

If you’re launching a new product which doesn’t yet have a product ID, you can nominate it and update the product ID once it becomes available. To update the product ID, edit the product ID in Sampling in the Bazaarvoice Portal and then migrate this product ID in the Bazaarvoice Workbench.

Note: Before you update the product ID, ensure you have the required permissions in Workbench to migrate existing reviews from the old product ID to the new one. To change product IDs, you must have the Administrator role in Workbench.

To view and manage your products for sampling campaigns:

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .

    If you can’t sign in, contact Bazaarvoice Support for assistance. Learn more about Portal permissions and user accounts.

  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling > Nomination.

View nominated products

Campaign Manager Member Support Program Manager Account Administrator

The Nominated products list provides at-a-glance information about products in your sampling program, including the:

  • Quantity of each product available for sampling in your sampling program
  • Number of product variants for each product
  • Product availability
  • Product name
  • Product category
  • Product ID

Find nominated products

Use the search field to search for products by their name or product ID. Enter a complete product ID, or a complete word from a product name.

Nominate products

Campaign Manager Program Manager Account Administrator

To nominate a product for a campaign:

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .
  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling > Nomination.
  3. Select the Nominate tab. This page contains a list of all the products in the vendor’s catalog.
  4. To find the product you want to add to the campaign, enter the product name, ID, or SKU in the search field.
  5. Select on the right side of the product row for the relevant product and select Nominate.

Watch this video to learn more about nominating products for your campaign:

Check the product details

Product information is sourced from your product catalog. Before you nominate a product make sure the product information is correct. To check the product details, select > Edit on the right side of the product row. To change any product information, select Edit under Product details.

Field Editable
Product ID Yes
Product name Yes
Product image Yes
Description Yes
Note: The product name, photo, and description appear in the Member app and in emails to members invited to the campaign.

Define product availability

Under Product availability, select dates to define the time period a product will be available for members to sample. To edit the availability period for a previously nominated product:

  1. Under Product availability, select Edit.
  2. Edit dates to define the availability period for the product.
  3. Select Update.

Define product variants

To filter products in the vendor’s catalog, add variant details. Adding variants also helps guarantee accurate inventory management and shipping.

Tip: When you add product variants, you're adding more granular details for a group of nominated products. Keep this in mind when you're working out product quantities and defining logistics references for warehousing.

Product variants are different types of the same product sorted by, for example, color, flavor, or size. You can add as many variants as you like. However, you must add one variant to nominate the product successfully.

To define variants:

  1. In the Nominate tab, select on the right side of the product row for the relevant product and select Edit.
  2. Under Variants, select + Variant.
  3. Add an image of the variant by using the same image as the main product, uploading an image, or entering a web address.
  4. Enter a variant name that refers to the feature that distinguishes the variant, for example, color, flavor, or size.
  5. Enter an approximate fair market value (FMV) for the variant.
    Note: Enter a numerical value that reflects the normal market price of the product on your website or on other retail sites. Don’t include any special characters.
  6. Enter a unique logistics reference such as a UPC or EAN to identify the variant and its warehouse location.
    Note: Once you nominate a product or product variant, you can view its logistics reference by exporting a CSV file in the Fulfilment tab.
  7. Enter the total quantity of variant units you want to make available for campaigns.
    Note: Count multipacks as single items.
  8. Select Update.

Repeat the above steps for each variant you want to add.

Note: To remove a variant, select it and then select Remove variant.

Here is an example product variant:

  • Product name - Cheese
  • Variant name - 400g
  • FMV - 4
  • Logistics reference - DAIRYFREE-400
  • Quantity - 500
  • Image -

Nominate unreleased products

Campaign Manager Program Manager Account Administrator

You may want to run a sampling campaign to gather reviews for a product you haven’t released to market yet. To nominate an unreleased product for a campaign:

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .
  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling > Nomination.
  3. Select the Nominate tab.
  4. Select Nominate unreleased product.

Enter unreleased product details

  1. Enter the name of the product.
  2. Enter a product ID.
    Note: If the product doesn't have a permanent product ID, assign a temporary one to it. Once the product is live, edit the product ID in Sampling in Portal and then migrate this product ID in Workbench to display its reviews in the product display page (PDP).
  3. Enter a short description of the product.
  4. Add an image of the product by uploading an image or entering a web address.
  5. To add variants for the product, select the Add product variants toggle switch and then enter the relevant information for each variant. Select + Variant for each variant you want to define. The following table shows the information required in each field.

    Field Required information
    Product image Add an image of the variant by using the main product image, uploading an image, or entering a web address.
    Variant name Enter a name for the variant.
    FMV Enter an approximate FMV for the variant as a numerical value. The FMV should reflect the normal market price of the product on your website or on other retail sites.
    Logistics reference Enter a unique logistics reference (for example, the UPC or EAN) to identify the variant and its warehouse location.
    Quantity Enter the total number of variant units you want to make available for campaigns.
    Tip: To remove a variant, select the symbol on the right side of the variant row.
  6. Enter an approximate FMV for the product.
  7. Enter a unique logistics reference for the product.
  8. Enter the total number of units of the product you want to make available for campaigns.
  9. Select the checkbox to show you understand you’re nominating this product to make it available for campaigns with the selected vendor.
  10. Select Nominate.

Nominate products in bulk

Nominate multiple released or unreleased products at the same time instead of nominating each product individually.

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .
  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling > Nomination.
  3. Select the Nominate tab.
  4. Select Export/Import > Export example file. Use this example file as a template to structure your CSV file.
  5. Once you’ve finished creating your CSV file, select Export/Import > Import CSV.
  6. Drop your CSV file into the box, or select Browse to upload your CSV file from a saved location on your device.
  7. Select Import file.
  8. The products from your CSV file appear in the Import file page. Select the checkbox below the data table to show you understand you’re nominating these products for your campaigns.
  9. Select Nominate products.

Edit products

Campaign Manager Program Manager Account Administrator

To edit a product:

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .
  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling > Nomination.
  3. Select the product you want to edit from the list that appears in the Nominated products tab.

Edit product details

  1. Under Product details, select Edit. You can update the product ID, name, image, and description.
  2. Select Update to save your changes.

To edit the product ID:

  1. Select Edit product ID beside the existing product ID.
  2. Enter the new product ID.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm you will migrate reviews to the new ID in Workbench.
  4. Select Save.
  5. To migrate existing reviews for the previous product ID to the new product ID, sign in to Workbench and select Content > Migrate Content.
  6. Enter your old and new product IDs.
  7. Select Migrate.
    Note: You can update the product ID as many times as you like, but you must always migrate reviews in Workbench from the old ID to the new ID.

Edit product availability

  1. Under Product availability, select Edit.
  2. Edit the dates to define the availability period for the product.
  3. Select Update.

Edit quantities

  1. Under Variants, select Edit quantities.
  2. Edit the overall quantity of units available for sampling community members to select in the campaign.
  3. Select Update.

Edit variants

  1. Select the variant you want to edit.
  2. Update the variant image, name, FMV, logistics reference, and quantity as required.
  3. Select Update.
    Note: To delete a variant, select Remove variant.

What’s next?

Create a campaign

Add products to campaigns