Invite members
Community Manager Account Administrator
Use the Members tab in Sampling Administration to invite members to join your community.
What you’ll learn
Before you begin
Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal
If you can’t sign in, contact Bazaarvoice Support for assistance. Learn more about Portal permissions and user accounts.
From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Members.
Invite members by email
Invite members to join your sampling community from the Members tab. Inviting a member sends an email invitation that prompts the member to register in the member app. Learn more about how to customize and send emails.
Select the Invited tab to view the members you’ve invited to join your sampling community. When members respond to their invitation and complete registration, they’ll become active members of your sampling community.
Invite new members to join your sampling community individually or in batches by importing a comma-separated value (CSV) file containing the potential members’ email addresses.
Invite individual members
- From the Members tab, select Active, Invited, or Deactivated.
- Select Invite members.
- Enter the individual’s email address and select Send invite.
Invite multiple members
Invite multiple members at once by uploading a CSV file that contains (at least) each potential member’s email address.
- From the Members tab, select Active, Invited, or Deactivated.
- Select Invite members.
- Drag and drop your CSV file into the Drop your file here box, or select a file to upload from a saved location.
- Add the email addresses from your CSV file by selecting Column: Email from the Email column.
- If your CSV file contains name, source, or external ID data, or member tags, you can add them to the appropriate columns.
We recommend batch tagging members because you're limited to sending a maximum of 10,000 emails at one time.
- Select Send invites.
Send an invitation reminder
Invited members receive invitation and reminder emails according to your email content and timing configuration settings. To send additional reminders to selected members, send unscheduled invitation reminders.
- From the Members tab, select Invited.
- Select the checkbox on the left of the name of the members you want to remind.
- Select Email members or Email all.
- Select Email member(s).
If you tagged members when sending your initial invitations, use the tags you created to filter them again and send them reminders. This means you won't send reminders to more than 10,000 members, or to members you invited in a previous acquisition.
Send invite links
Invite links make it easier for you to grow your community while adhering to data protection regulations. For example, you can send emails containing invite links directly to your current member community rather than sharing members’ email addresses with Bazaarvoice.
Invite links also enable you to grow your community beyond your current member list, for example, by sharing them on social media.
Create an invite link
From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Members. Select the Invite Links tab. To create a new multiuse or single-use link, select Create invite link.
Create a multiuse invite link
A multiuse invite link is a single link a set number of members can use to join your community.
- From the Invite link type section, select Multiuse.
- Enter an invite link name.
- Enter the sign-up limit for your invite link. The number you enter is the maximum number of members who can join your community using the multiuse invite link.
Note: The default sign-up limit is 100. You can set it to a maximum of 1000.
- Enter an expiration date up to 30 days away.
Note: Once the expiration date passes, members cannot use the multiuse invite link to join your community.
- If you want, you can add tags that apply to all members who use the invite link to join your community.
- Select Create invite link.
Create a single-use invite link
A single-use invite link is sent to each different member you invite to join your community. Each single-use invite link is valid for one member only.
- In the Invite link type section, select Single-use.
- Enter an invite link name.
- Enter the number of invite links you want to create. The number you enter should equal the number of members you want to invite to your community.
Note: The default sign-up limit is 100. You can set it to a maximum of 1000.
- Enter an expiration date up to 30 days away.
Note: Members cannot use the single-use invite link to join your community once the expiration date passes.
- If you want, you can add tags that will apply to all members who use the invite link to join your community.
- Select Create invite link.
Edit an invite link
From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Members. Select the Invite links tab to view your invite links. The table that appears contains information about your links, their status, and how many members have used them to join your community.
Column | Description |
Invite link name | Name of the invite link you created. |
Invite link type | Type of invite link you created. |
Signed-up members | Number of members who have used the invite link to join your community.
Note: As more members use the invite link to join your community, this number automatically updates. |
Expiration date | Date the invite link expires and the member can no longer use it. |
Status | Status of the invite link.
Find invite links
Find your invite links using these methods:
- Status filter–Select a status, for example, Active. Repeat this for each status you want to include. Select Apply and close to apply the filter.
- Search field–Search for invite links by entering the name of the link in the search field.
Edit a multiuse invite link
- Select the invite link you want to edit from the Invite link name column.
Note: Once you select the invite link, you can view how many members have used it to join your community.
- Update the number of invites and expiration date of the link as required.
- Copy the invite link and the source ID as required.
Note: Use the source ID we generate to view all members who have used the invite link to join your community. You cannot edit the source ID. Paste the source ID into the search bar in the Active, Invited, or Deactivated tabs to find members who have used the invite link to join your community.
- Select Save.
Edit a single-use invite link
- Select the invite link you want to edit from the Invite link name column.
Note: Once you select the invite link, you can view how many members have used it to join your community.
- Update the number of invites and expiration date of the link as required.
- Download a CSV file containing your invite links and copy the source ID as required.
Note: Use the source ID we generate to view all members who have used the invite links to join your community. You cannot edit the source ID. Paste the source ID into the search bar in the Active, Invited, or Deactivated tabs to find members who have used the invite link to join your community.
- Select Save.
Withdraw an invite link
Once you withdraw a multiuse or single-use invite link, members can no longer use it to join your community. Withdrawing an invite link doesn’t delete or ban members who have already used it to join your community.
- Select the invite link you want to withdraw from the Invite link name column.
- Select Withdraw invite link.
- Select Withdraw.