Member Support Account Administrator

When you launch a campaign, you make an offer available for the members who participate in it. They’ll be able to select products, try them out, and then leave a review. Creating a new campaign is the process of configuring products, members, emails, and launch details for the new campaign.

Watch this video to learn how to create a campaign:

What you’ll learn

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .

    If you can’t sign in, contact Bazaarvoice Support for assistance. Learn more about Portal permissions and user accounts.

  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Campaigns.

Create a campaign

  1. Select Create a campaign.
  2. Enter a campaign name.
  3. Set start and end dates for the campaign.
  4. If you want to provide additional information, you can add a campaign description.
  5. Select Create.

Add products

Select products and product bundles for your campaign to help generate reviews.

  1. Create a new campaign, or select a Draft campaign from the Campaign name column of the table that appears in the Campaigns tab.
    Note: You can modify products and bundles for your campaign only if it’s still in Draft status.
  2. In the Products row, select Add products if you haven’t added any products to the campaign. If you’ve added products, select Edit products and then Edit selected products to display information about the products you’ve selected.
    Note: Use the panel above the product table to view how many:
    • Individual and bundled products you’ve selected and their available units
    • Vendors provide the selected products
    • Variants there are across the selected products
  3. Select the individual products and bundles you want to include in your campaign.
  4. After adding and editing products, select Confirm selection.
  5. Select Done.

Learn more about adding products to a campaign.

Select members

After you’ve added products to the new campaign, decide which members you want to invite by applying a member segment. You can create a new member segment for the campaign, or select one you’ve already defined.

A member segment is a group of people that you want to target in your campaign. Define member segments by categorising the member community into groups of people with similar demographic, lifestyle, and personal interests. Learn more about how to create and edit member segments.

Watch this video to learn how to add members to a campaign:

Use this option to apply a member segment that you have already defined.

  1. From the campaign page, select Add Members.
  2. From the Member segment drop-down list, select the segment you want to invite.
  3. In the Samples per member box, enter how many products you would like each member to review.
  4. You can define which members you want to invite to the campaign first.
    • % of new members—Enter the percentage of invited members you would like to be new members. A _new member_ is a member who's never requested a product during a sampling campaign.
    • Prioritize top reviewers—Turn this toggle on to prioritize members with the highest review rates. If you've also prioritized new members, top reviewers will be invited to the campaign next.
  5. Select Done.

Use this option to create a new member segment for the campaign.

  1. Select the Members tab.
  2. Note: You can also create or edit a segment after you create a campaign by selecting Edit members in the Members panel. You can either select and edit an existing member segment, or create a new one.
  3. Select Segments from the list of options at the top of the page. This page will display a table containing the names of all existing segments. Use this table of segments to view:
    • How many conditions each segment includes and how many sampling members it can potentially reach.
    • The total number of saved segments (visible at the bottom of the table).
  4. To create a new segment, select Create segment above the table of segments.
  5. Enter a meaningful name for your new segment in the Details section.
  6. Add conditions for your segment to the Member information, Review quality, and Campaign activity sections.
  7. Save your segment.

Invited members

When you create a campaign, we recommend you invite 1.5 to 2 times as many members as you have products. You cannot add products to a campaign after it has launched. If members don’t claim all of the products in the campaign, you will be able to invite more members to your campaign from the selected segment only.

The Invited members box in the campaign configuration page shows you how many members in the segment will be invited at one time. You can update this number to set how many members are included in the first and subsequent batches. You can also prioritize the members to include in each batch as described in the following section.

Configure campaign emails

Next, define when—or if—to send campaign emails to your selected members. You can tailor the content of the Invitation to Sample and review request reminder emails to be specific to this campaign.

Note: All email configuration settings you apply in the campaign screens only affect the emails sent for each campaign.
Note: We will only send the emails you've configured if they're required. For example, if you've configured two review request (formerly post-interaction email or PIE) reminders but the member posts their review after their first reminder, we won't send the second reminder.
To send campaign emails and set email timings:
  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .
  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Campaigns.
  3. Select a draft campaign from the Campaign name column of the table.
  4. In the Email row, select Edit emails.
  5. Turn on the green Send/Don't send toggle switch to set whether you want to send each email type to members or not.
  6. Enter the number of days you want to leave between the review request email message, and the review request reminders.
  7. Select Apply.
Note: You can continue to change your email settings until the campaign starts.

Configure Invitation to Sample emails to make them specific to an individual campaign.

Note: Ensure you write the body text of your campaign emails in HTML so they render correctly.
  1. In the campaign screen, select Configure emails.
  2. In the Invitation to Sample email card, select Edit.
  3. Update the text as required and select Update.
  4. To preview your changes, select Send test email and select Send.
  5. Select Done to save your changes.

Configure the launch details

Specify when you want the campaign to become available in the Sampling app for members to select an offer.

  1. Set the time you want the campaign to start and end.
  2. Select Add Launch Details.
  3. Enter the start and end times.
  4. Select Done.
  5. If you have finished configuring the new campaign, select Ready. The campaign will launch on the specified start date. You can edit campaigns in the Ready state until they start.
Note: You must select Ready when you have finished configuring the launch details, or the campaign will never start.

What’s next?