Campaign Manager Community Manager Account Administrator

In Sampling Administration, you can send ad hoc email messages to members who are active in your member community, or whom you have invited to join.

What you’ll learn

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .

    If you can’t sign in, contact Bazaarvoice Support for assistance. Learn more about Portal permissions and user accounts.

  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Members.

Email active members

Select Members > Active to email active members about anything not covered by the email templates in Sampling, or sent as part of the campaign process.

Note: You need to write the email in HTML. We recommend you use an HTML editor such as HTMLG . Copy and paste the code from the editor into the body text.
  1. Select the Active tab.
  2. Select the members you want to email and select Email selected. To email all active members, select Email all.
  3. Enter a subject, heading, subheading, and body text. To clear all the information you've entered, select Reset.
  4. Note: We recommend you send a test email before emailing members. Enter an email address and select Send test email.
  5. To send the email, select Email all members.

Email invited members

Select Members > Invited to email an additional registration reminder to invited members from the template. You won’t be able to change the content of this email.

Note: One reminder is configured to be sent automatically by default. Check your email configuration settings to see if this has been changed for your organization.
  1. Select the Invited tab.
  2. Select the members you want to email and select Email members. To email all invited members, select Email all.
  3. Select Email members to send the registration reminder.

Email members in a specific campaign

  1. Select the Campaigns tab in Sampling Administration.
  2. Select the relevant campaign.
  3. In the Members card, select View members in this campaign.
  4. Select individual members that you want to email, or use the following filters to find members:
    Note: To apply a filter, select Apply and close.
    • Status filter—Choose the members you want to email.
      • Select Only show members who were invited to the campaign if the campaign is still open and you want to remind invited members to select a product.
      • Select Only show members who requested a product if the campaign has closed and you want to email participating members.
    • Products filter—Select specific products for which you want to notify members about special instructions or a cancellation. Begin entering a product name or product ID. Select the relevant product from the list of suggestions. Repeat for each product you want to include.
    • Reviews filter—Select members you want to send a review reminder by selecting Only show members who have reviews outstanding for products that have been shipped.
  5. Once you have filtered the members you want to email, click Select all.
  6. Select Email members.
  7. Enter a subject, heading, subheading, and body text. To clear all the information you've entered, select Reset.
  8. Note: We recommend you send a test email before emailing members. Enter an email address and select Send test email.
  9. To send the email, select Email all.

What’s next?

Manage the member community

View campaign data