Sampling Campaign Manager Account Administrator

View, edit, and approve sampling campaign requests submitted by clients to enable them to start campaigns.

What you’ll learn

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to the Bazaarvoice Portal .

    If you can’t sign in, contact Bazaarvoice Support for assistance. Learn more about Portal permissions and user accounts.

  2. From the navigation bar, select Product Sampling > Sampling Administration > Campaign Requests.

View requests

View requests submitted by clients in the table in the Campaign Requests tab. This table contains information about each request and its status.

Column Description
Request ID Unique, automatically created request ID.
Sampling program Type of sampling program for this campaign.
Request owner Name of the person who created the request.
Vendor Name of the vendor for the campaign.
Number of units Number of units the client has made available for selection in the campaign.
Date last saved Date you or the client last saved the request.
Status Request status.
  • Draft—The client has started but hasn't completed the request.
  • Submitted—The client has submitted the request for approval.
  • Approved—Bazaarvoice has received and approved the request, and is working on starting the campaign.
  • Units required—The client needs to purchase units before Bazaarvoice can approve the campaign.

Review and approve a submitted request

  1. Select a request in Submitted status from the Request ID column.
  2. To approve the request, select Approve request.
    Note: Once you approve a request, you can't make any changes to it.

Revert requests to draft

Revert requests to Draft status if you want the request owner to make edits before resubmitting.

Note: Make sure you contact clients to tell them what edits you want them to make.
  1. Select a request in Submitted status from the Request ID column.
  2. Select Revert to draft.

Delete a request

Note: If you delete a request, you won’t be able to recover the information it contains.

Select > Delete request on the right side of the request row. You can delete requests in any status.

Find requests

Find campaign requests using these methods:

  • Date filter—To view requests last saved in a specific time period, select an option from the column on the left side of the filter, or enter a start and end date. Select Apply and close.
  • Request owner filter—Begin entering a request owner name. Select the relevant request owner from the list of suggestions. Repeat for each request owner you want to include. Select Apply and close.
    Note: You can also search for request owners by using the search field above the table.
  • Vendor filter—Begin entering a vendor name. Select the relevant vendor from the list of suggestions. Repeat for each vendor you want to include. Select Apply and close.
  • Status filter—Select a status, for example, Submitted. Repeat for each status you want to include. Select Apply and close.
  • Sort data table—Sort the table by request owner, or by the date the request was last saved.

What’s next?

Create a campaign that matches the campaign request

Manage campaigns