Note: The Bazaarvoice Design Services team can design or customize your company's review submission forms to suit your needs. Contact Bazaarvoice Support if you want to initiate design work.

A submission form is the interface that contributors use to rate and review products, services, and companies.

The following figure shows the most basic elements of a Ratings & Reviews submission form. Using the form, contributors select the overall rating they want to give the product or service, type a review, and provide a nickname, location, and email address.

Basic submission form

A well-designed submission form that is simple and easy to complete maximizes the number of contributions on your site and minimizes abandonment. Maximizing the number of contributions is important because consumers have more confidence in a product’s ratings and reviews when the product has multiple reviews.


Bazaarvoice review submission forms requires you to create and host a submission container page on your website.

Note: Refer to submission container page for instructions on how to set up a container page.

To streamline the submission process, Bazaarvoice recommends you use simple submission URLs.

Note: A simple submission URL (ssURL) quickly takes contributors to a submission form, without having to go through a lengthy login process.

If you rely on Bazaarvoice hosted submission, you can use the Submission Link Generator to create the ssURL base.

Best practices

  • To maximize the number of contributions on your site and minimize abandonment, keep your submission form simple and easy to complete. Collect the following types of critical information:
    • Information that contextualizes the review and enables consumers to make informed decisions based on that review.
    • Business intelligence information—such as authentic user sentiment about your products or services, as well as words directly from your customers—that departments within your company can use to improve product quality or make merchandizing or marketing decisions.
  • To ensure information security for your customers, do not ask for personally identifiable information (PII) in submission form questions. For example, do not request the following:
    • Physical mail addresses
    • Date or place of birth
    • Telephone numbers
    • Drivers license or vehicle identification numbers