Export member data
You can download a comma-separated value (CSV) file that contains information about all members in the system. This is useful, for example, if you need to
- Review all members that have ever registered with your portal program
- See the number of fulfilled products per member over time
- Reconcile what happened with member acquisition
To export member data, do the following:
- Click Members at the top of the portal and then click View Members.
- Click Export To CSV. The file is downloaded to your system.
The following data is included in the CSV file:
- Local ID—Internal ID for the member
- First Name—Member’s first (given) name
- Last Name—Member’s last name (surname)
- Email—Member’s email address
- Phone—Member’s phone number
- Address—Member’s street address
- City—Member’s city of residence
- State—Member’s state of residence
- Zip—Member’s zip code
- Birthdate—The member’s date of birth
- Gender—The member’s gender
- Retailer ID—The ID given to the member when they were invited or manually added (Member ID on the View Members page)
- Date of Most Recent Status—Date and time when the member last signed in to the Sampling portal
- Member Since—Date and Time when the member accepted the invitation to become a member of the portal
- Last Active—Date and time when the member last logged in to the portal
- Requests—Number of product requests from the member (from all campaigns)
- Products Shipped—Number of products shipped to the member (for all campaigns)
- Reviews—Number of reviews submitted by the member (from all campaigns)
- % Requested Products Reviewed—Percentage of products reviews based on the number of products shipped to the member
- Rejected Reviews—Number of reviews submitted by the member that were rejected
- Token—A value that is assigned to a member that enables the member to view the portal without signing in; it is associated with a member and a specific device, and it is passed to the member in a link in an email message
- Admin Interest Categories—The admin interests that were selected when members were invited to a campaign
- User Interest Categories—The user interests that were selected when members were invited to a campaign
- Tags—The tags that were selected when members were invited to a campaign
- Sources—The sources that were selected when members were invited to a campaign
- Language—The member’s language
- Status—One of the following:
- Invited—Invited to your sampling program but not yet registered. Until registered, members cannot be included in campaigns or offers.
- Pending—Has completed a profile but has not yet confirmed registration (through email). Pending members are not eligible to receive product offers.
- Active—Has completed a profile, personal information, and preferences, and is eligible to receive campaign and offers.
- Deactivated—Removed from active status and will not receive future sampling invitations. You can deactivate members or they can move themselves.