Add an unreleased product
Before you can associate a product sample with a campaign, you must add the product to the portal. This gives you a way to add a product that is not included in the Bazaarvoice product feed.
Complete the following steps to add a product:
- Click Products at the top of the portal.
- Click + Add Unreleased Product.
Provide the following on the form:
- Product Name–Official name of the product. This information is required.
- SKU/Product ID–Stock keeping unit (SKU) or product ID. This information is required. If necessary, provide a temporary ID and then you can migrate all reviews collected against this temporary ID to the released product ID later.
- Category–Type of product. This information is required.
- Description–Detailed description of the product.
- Image–Image or URL to an image that will be displayed to the member
- Fair Market Value (FMV)–Fair market value (FMV) of the product, which is the general market price of the product on your website.
- Inventory Quantity–The number of samples that will be available during the campaign. This information is required.
- Dates of Availability – When the product will be available to sample.
- Click Add.