During some setup steps, you are given the opportunity to modify several email templates. Consider taking the time to configure the rest of the templates that will be used over the course of a campaign.

When modifying an email template, be aware of brand consistency. Consumers who are familiar with your brand have established expectations with regard to the brand voice and imagery. Reinforcing these expectations fosters recognition and credibility. If your brand is not well-known by potential members, use a consistent approach to reinforce brand awareness; the Sampling program name can establish recognition.

To modify an email template

  1. Select Emails at the top of the portal. The following table lists email templates and their use.
    NameTemplateHow is this used?
    Ad Hoc Email TemplateADHOC

    Enables you to send custom, standalone email messages members and vendors.

    To modify and then use this template, send an ad hoc email from the View Members or View Vendors page.

    Campaign confirmation emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Confirms a member's campaign registration.

    Be sure to configure this template before or immediately after launching a campaign. It is used to remind members that they have registered for the campaign.

    Campaign invite email


    Invites active members to participate in a sampling campaign.

    This template is modified and used when setting up a campaign.

    Campaign invite reminder emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Reminds members to respond to your sampling campaign invitation.

    Be sure to configure this template before or immediately after launching a campaign. It is used to remind members to sign up (the Send Campaign Invite Reminder setting on the Step 2: Schedule Campaign page).

    Member deactivation emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Notifies a member when they have been deactivated. This sends a custom, standalone email message to members when they are deactivated.

    Be sure to configure this template before deactivating a member on the View Members page.

    Registration invite emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Invites new members to join your sampling program.

    This template is modified and used when inviting advocates to become members.

    Registration confirmation emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Confirms an advocate's registration as an active member of your sampling program.

    Be sure to configure this template before or immediately after inviting advocates to become members.

    Registration reminder emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Reminds unregistered members to join your sampling program.

    Be sure to configure this template before sending a registration reminder on the Unregistered Members page.


    Reminds members who have received product samples to write a review.

    Be sure to configure this template before or immediately after launching a campaign. It is used to remind members to review their sample (the Send Review Reminder 1 setting on the Step 2: Schedule Campaign page) after samples have shipped.

    For existing products, the product name and image included in the email message are taken from product definition in the Bazaarvoice product feed.


    Reminds members who have received product samples to write a review.

    Be sure to configure this template before or immediately after launching a campaign. It is used to remind members to review their sample (the Send Review Reminder 2 setting on the Step 2: Schedule Campaign page) after samples have shipped.

    For existing products, the product name and image included in the email message are taken from product definition in the Bazaarvoice product feed.

    Vendor fulfillment listBV_SAMPLING_

    Alerts vendors that members have requested product samples and enables them to download fulfillment lists.

    Be sure to configure this template after associating a vendor with a product or after launching the product's campaign.

    Vendor registration invite emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Invites vendors to join your sampling program.

    This template is modified and used when inviting vendors to become part of your sampling program.

    Vendor registration confirmation emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Confirms a vendor's registration as a participant of your sampling program.

    Be sure to configure this template before or immediately after inviting vendors to your sampling program.

    Vendor registration reminder emailBV_SAMPLING_

    Reminds unregistered vendors to join your sampling program.

    Be sure to configure this template before sending a registration reminder on the Unregistered Vendors page.

  2. Select the name of the template in the Name column on the page.
  3. Change the contents of the template:
    • Subject—Include a clear and compelling call-to-action so that recipients understand what you are asking them to do. Use 9-14 words, if possible, and be cognizant of spam filter triggers, such as special characters, all capital letters, and so on. This field allows up to 50 characters. Example: Join to try Brand products for free.
    • Header (title)—Provide a clear and concise title to the email message. You can specify up to 50 characters.
    • Body—Include a single call-to-action to limiting distracts of other marketing messages. Provide clear and concise messaging so that members can quickly identify the action you want them take. You can specify up to 200 words.
    • Signature (if available)—Specify a signature that is consistent with your brand and messaging. You can include up to 50 words. Example: Thanks, Your Brand Team
    • Banner image—Upload or reference a JPEG file that is 600x200px. You must have the license to use any images, graphics, and logos you provide.
  4. To review the email message and verify that it is sent correctly, type an email address in the Send test email to: field and then click Send.
  5. If necessary, modify the email template based on the email message that was sent.
  6. Click Update.