View member information
The View Members page provides an overview of all community members. Using this page, you can
- Invite members to join your sampling program
- Add a member to your community
- Modify a member
- Export member information
- Send email to members
- Deactivate and reactivate members
- View the members’ portal
- Sync review activity in the portal
To view member information, click Members at the top of the portal and then click View Members.
By default, the page lists all active members.
- Narrow the view by filtering members: select an option from one of the Filter by drop-down lists
- Search for a specific member by typing their ID in the Search field (clear the field to list all members again)
- Sort members by selecting a column heading
Here is a description of each column on the page:
- Member ID—The ID given to the member when they were invited or manually added.
- Status—One of the following:
- Invited—Invited to your sampling program but not yet registered. Until registered, members cannot be included in campaigns or offers.
- Pending—Has completed a profile but has not yet confirmed registration (through email). Pending members are not eligible to receive product offers.
- Active—Has completed a profile, personal information, and preferences, and is eligible to receive campaign and offers.
- Deactivated—Removed from active status and will not receive future sampling invitations. You can deactivate members or they can move themselves.
- Date of Most Recent Status—Date and time when the member last signed in to the Sampling portal.
- Member Since—Date and time when the member registered with your sampling program. You can check the range of dates across members to determine how successful member acquisition was based on when the registration invitations was sent.
- Requests—Number of product requests from the member (from all campaigns).
- Reviews—Number of reviews submitted by the member (from all campaigns).
- % Shipped Products Reviewed—Percentage of products reviews based on the number of products shipped to the member (for all campaigns).