View vendor information
The View Vendors page provides an overview of all vendors who have been invited to join your sampling program. Using this page, you can
- Invite vendors
- Add a vendor
- Modify a vendor
- Export vendor data
- Send email to vendors
- Deactivate or reactivate a vendor
- View the vendors’ portal
To view members, click Vendors at the top of the portal and then click View Vendors.
By default, the page lists active vendors.
- Narrow the view by filtering vendors: select an option from the Filter Vendors drop-down list
- Search for a specific vendor by typing the ID in the Search field (clear the field to list all vendors again)
- Sort vendors by clicking a column heading
Here is a description of each column on the page:
- Name—Name (first and last names) given to the member when they were invited or manually added
- Company—Company name of the vendor
- Status—One of the following:
- Invited – Invited to your sampling program but not yet registered. Until registered, vendors cannot be associated with a product.
- Pending – Has completed a profile but has not yet confirmed registration (through email). Pending vendors cannot be associated with a product.
- Active – Has completed a profile, personal information, and preferences, and is eligible to participate in a campaign.
- Deactivated – Removed from active status and can no longer participate in a sampling program. You can deactivate vendors or they can deactivate themselves.